Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Saskatchewan Forage Council in partnership with Ducks Unlimited, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are currently undertaking an ADOPT (Agriculture Demonstration of Practices and Technologies), which will demonstrate the use of the grazing response index on Saskatchewan pastures. 


The Grazing Response Index (GRI) is a relatively new, easy-to-use pasture monitoring tool designed to assist pasture managers to understand how plants and their native rangelands respond to grazing.  AAFC’s 4-page factsheet discusses the strengths of GRI and explains in detail how to use the tool and interpret the results for optimized grazing management. An additional 2-page insert walks the reader through a GRI assessment and includes a blank GRI assessment worksheet.

The ADOPT project demonstration site is located at the Ducks Unlimited Torchwood Hills Conservation Ranch near Lestock,SK. More information resulting from this demonstration will be available at field days at the Ranch, posted on the SFC website and in the final report. 
To view the factsheet, click here.  
 Posted December 17, 2014

A Special Thank You to Saskatchewan Forage Council Sponsors



NH Agr 3D



Boehringer logo


BrettYoung logo NEW

Union Forage


 NutrienAgSolutions ProvenSeed Lock




Ducks Unlimited FCC smaller
Northstar Pickseed
Ponderosa Ag Sales  SFSDC temp


The SFC also gratefully acknowledges funding for…
Facilitating Forage Initiatives in Saskatchewan’ project through the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Industry Development Fund (SCAIDF)