Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saskatchewan Forage Council Resources

Contact Saskatchewan Forage Council to inquire if hard copies of the following resources are available.
SFC would like to gratefully acknowledge all of our funding partners who have helped make these publications available.

In need of hay? Resources for searching for hay for sale in Saskatchewan

Forage and Livestock eNews

Forage Seed Production Guides 

Forage Species Selection Tool  

Grazing Response Index (GRI) adaptated for tame forages

Management Solutions from SK Producers - CD

Managing Saskatchewan Rangeland

Plant Identification Field Guides

Saskatchewan Forage Market Reports

Saskatchewan Hay & Pasture Reports

Saskatchewan Livestock & Forage Gazette

The Value of Saskatchewan's Forage Industry: A Multi-Level Analysis 

 Saskatchewan Invasive Plant Species Identification Guide Second Edition (2018)

BMP's for Invasive Plant Species: Forage Seed,  GrazingHayRiparianTransportation


Trace Minerals in Saskatchewan Pastures by soil zone: BlackBrownDark Brown,  Gray

Growing Forage Legumes in Rotation with Annual Crops

Revegetation of Saline Soils Using Salt-Tolerant Grasses

Establishment of Perennial Native Grass Species

Successful Forage Crop Establishment

Why Direct Seed Forages?

Downy Brome

Forage Q&A

Forage Seed Quality

Silage Opportunities

Forage Variety Performance (1992-1996)

Annual Rye Grass


Industry Resources

Valuable information published by industry partners including Ducks Unlimited, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, PFRA, Saskatchewan Watershed Authority, and others.

Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) Forage & Grassland resources

Farming and Agricultural Calculators from Saskatchewan Agriculture

Field Crop and Forage Pests and their Natural Enemies in Western Canada identification and management field guide from AAFC

Calculating Hay Share Agreements from Saskatchewan Agriculture

Species at Risk factsheets from Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (SK PCAP)

Native Rangelands: A Last Refuge for Grassland Songbirds article by Phil Rose, MSc Candidate, University of Regina. Project funding in part by Saskatchewan Forage Network Graduate Student Award and Mitacs Accelerate Program

Prairie Seeds Newsletter. A semi-annual publication by the Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission (SFSDC).

Native Prairie: manage it today, to appreciate it tomorrow (pdf) is a publication from Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (SK PCAP) to assist with range and riparian area management.

Forage and Grassland Guide by the Canadian Forage & Grassland Association

Fusarium Head Blight information on this crop diseases from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

Managing Risk in Winter Grazing Systems video series produced by Chinook Applied Research Association in partnership with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, West Central Forage Association, Lakeland Agricultural Research Association and cattlemen from across Alberta.

A Guide to Integrated Brush Management on the Western Canadian Prairies (Large document:8 MB pdf file) published by the Manitoba Forage Council.  

Extended Grazing Resource page. Everything you need to know about stockpiled grazing, brought to you by the Manitoba Beef Producers and the University of Manitoba.

AC Saltlander Factsheet. Published by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, this factsheet describes the use of AC Saltlander green wheatgrass to improve saline soils. 

Sainfoin Bulletins (Alberta Agriculture and AAFC). This four-part series of bulletins will continue to be updated as further research results become available.  Bulletin 1: Sainfoin Seeding and Establishment,   Bulletin 2: Profitable Grazing Management,   Bulletin 3: Innovation to Maximize Animal Performance,   Bulletin 4: Sustainable Life Cycle Productivity

Grazing Response Index (GRI) (AAFC publication). This four-page document describes a relatively new, easy-to-use pasture monitoring tool designed to assist pasture managers to understand how plants and their native rangelands respond to grazing. 

Winterfat (MOA and AAFC publication). Winterfat is a native rangeland shrub found in the mixed grass ecoregion of the Canadian Prairies and south into the US Great Plains.  Based on Dr. Mike Schellenberg's (AAFC-SPARC) research, this 4-page fact sheet covers historical use, plant description, nutritional benefits, grazing management and (re-)establishment protocols. 

Management of Canadian Prairie Rangeland (AAFC publication).  This document provides information on managing prairie grassland resources to promote sustainable use of these areas.

Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association - Saskatchewan Beef Cattle Producer Handbook

Wealthy Rancher Calculator (AAFC-AESB publication).  This user friendly excel spreadsheet can assist you in making financial decisions on your ranch.  Click here for the instructions on using this calculator.

Livestock Watering Systems in Saskatchewan: Producer Experiences (Ducks Unlimited Canada publication) Please note that this is a large file (approximately 7.0 MB), so may take a long time to download.

Revegetating with Native Grasses in the Northern Great Plains. Professional's Manual.  (Ducks Unlimited Canada and partners publication).  Please note that this is a large file (approximately 1.0 MB), so may take a long time to download for dial-up users. 

Native Plant Source List (Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan) 

Forage Crop Production Guide (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture publication)

Guide to Crop Protection (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture publication)

Initial Stocking Rate Guide for Seeded Pastures (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture publication)

Recommended Stocking Rate Guide for Native Pastures (taken from Range Plan Development, A Practical Guide to Planning for Management and Improvement of Saskatchewan Rangeland)

Control of Richardson's Ground Squirrels (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture publication)

Agri Map  (AESB/Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture/AAFC) An interactive map viewer which can be used to aid in agricultural water and land management decisions.

Rancher's Return (AB Agriculture) An interactive spreadsheet to be used by producers to anaylize the economics of their operation.

Crop Residue Collection for Field Grazing (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture publication)  Details on methods for collection and utilization of crop residue such as straw and chaff for grazing.  Also includes a calculator for estimating the cost of feeding crop residue. 

Livestock Water Quality - A Field Guide for Cattle, Horses, Poultry and Swine (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan and PFRA publication) 



A Special Thank You to Saskatchewan Forage Council Sponsors



NH Agr 3D



Boehringer logo


BrettYoung logo NEW

Union Forage


 NutrienAgSolutions ProvenSeed Lock




Ducks Unlimited FCC smaller
Northstar Pickseed
Ponderosa Ag Sales  SFSDC temp


The SFC also gratefully acknowledges funding for…
Facilitating Forage Initiatives in Saskatchewan’ project through the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Industry Development Fund (SCAIDF)