Saturday, July 27, 2024

June 20, 2017

Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association

Birdtail and Upper Assiniboine River Tour Focuses on water management via wise land use solutions

Winnipeg, Mb (June 20, 2017) --- A tour of agriculture and conservation interests hosted by five partner groups will bring messages and examples of water management, wise land use planning, economic prosperity and environmental synergies on agricultural lands to 80 or so delegates and media tomorrow in Russell, Manitoba.

The groups - Manitoba Forage and Grasslands Association (MFGA), Assiniboine River Basin Initiative (ARBI), Manitoba Conservation Districts Association (MCDA) and the Upper Assiniboine River and the Lake of the Prairies Conservation Districts - are woven together by their support for the MFGA's Aquanty Project, a high resolution HydroGeoSphere model that is being built by the Aquanty software firm for the Assiniboine River Basin to examine the role of forages and grasslands on flood and drought mitigation.

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Posted July 23, 2017


A Special Thank You to Saskatchewan Forage Council Sponsors



NH Agr 3D



Boehringer logo


BrettYoung logo NEW

Union Forage


 NutrienAgSolutions ProvenSeed Lock




Ducks Unlimited FCC smaller
Northstar Pickseed
Ponderosa Ag Sales  SFSDC temp


The SFC also gratefully acknowledges funding for…
Facilitating Forage Initiatives in Saskatchewan’ project through the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Industry Development Fund (SCAIDF)