Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saskatchewan Pasture Tour Resources

Listed below are links to useful resources related to the topics being covered on the Saskatchewan Pasture Tour on August 7, 2014. Click the links to navigate to the page you are interested in viewing. 
Annual Forages
Forage Rejuvenation
Fertilizing Forages


Fertilizing Seeded Forages in Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Ministy of Agriculture)

Stockpiled Forages 


Bale Grazing 


Seeding into Terminated Forage Stands 



Grazing High Percentage Alfalfa Stands

Livestock Watering Systems



Livestock Watering Systems in Saskatchewan (this file is over 7MB in size so may be slow to load)

Invasive Weed Control 


General Knowledge
Posted August 6, 2014  

Trace Minerals in Saskatchewan Pastures

The Saskatchewan Forage Council and partners have completed a project funded by the ADF (Agriculture Development Fund) which sampled tame and native forage species in Saskatchewan pastures for trace mineral content. Forages were sampled and forage quality was analyzed in both the spring and fall of 2012 and 2013 from four soil zones within the province. 

Although only required in less than 100 parts per million (ppm), when deficient, these minerals can have severe impacts on animal health which can have a significant economic impact for livestock producers. 

Factsheetfactsheet images have been developed as a resource to share the results of this project and are available by soil zone.  To view:

Trace Minerals Black Soil Zone Factsheet click here.  

Trace Minerals Gray Soil Zone Factsheet click here .  

Trace Minerals Dark Brown Soil Zone Factsheet click here.  

Trace Minerals Brown Soil Zone Factsheet click here.   

Print copies of all Trace Minerals Factsheets are available by contacting the SFC at 306.969.2666 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


To view the Final Report for this project, click here.

Funding for this project was provided by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and the Canada-Saskatchewan Growing Forward bi-lateral agreement.

Project Partners: Western Beef Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

Posted July 23, 2014

Invasive Plant Species Management Strategies


BMPs for Invasives Factsheets Series

The Saskatchewan Forage Council (SFC) and industry partners have completed the CAAP (Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program) project, "Invasive Plant Species Management Strategies: Capacity Building for Saskatchewan's Forage & Livestock Industry."

Invasive plant species are present in Saskatchewan and are often found established within forage acres. These invasive plant species pose a very real and significant threat. This extensive three year project provided the resources to path find and pilot solution for the forage and livestock industry to deal with this ever-growing threat of invasive plant species. A proactive approach was taken to develop the capacity and tools to respond to the issue and pilot practical measures across the wider industry. Project objectives included increasing Saskatchewan producers’ awareness of invasive plant species and also assessed existing weed-free forage certification programs and the potential for these to be adapted for Saskatchewan use.

The project was very successful in meeting its original objectives. Awareness of the threat of invasive plant species was increased and an in depth assessment of existing weed-free forage certification programs and opportunities for a provincial program were fully evaluated. Clearly, there is much work left to be done but this project fulfilled its role to initiate the conversation, bring industry partners together on this critical issue, and identify next steps.

To view the Project Final Report, click here. To view the Strategic Assessment Report, click here. To view the Facilitated Focus Group Report, click here. To view the Project Summary, click here.

The education and awareness component of this project involved the creation of a series of five Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) factsheets focusing on the prevention and control of invasive plant species within various sectors of the forage industry including FORAGE SEED, GRAZING, RIPARIAN, HAY, and TRANSPORTATIONSK Invasive Plant Species ID Guide. It also involved the creation of the SASKATCHEWAN INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES IDENTIFICATION GUIDE. The ID Guide focuses on the many invasive plant species that are pertinent to SK and provides plant characteristics and information about each species.

To view or download online versions of the Factsheets, click here.

To view or download an online version of the ID Guide, click here.

Print copies of all the Factsheets and the ID Guides are available by contacting the SFC at 306.969.2666 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Funding for this project has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP). In Saskatchewan, this program is delivered by the Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan. A project steering committee participated in the project’s activities, design and delivery and included representatives from the following organizations/agencies: Saskatchewan Forage Council, Frenchman-Wood River Weed Management Area, Saskatchewan Forage Seed Development Commission, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Additional support (financial and in-kind) for this project was provided by Crossing the Medicine Line Network, SaskEnergy, SaskPower, SaskTel, True North Specialty Products, ConocoPhillips, Dow AgroSciences and Canada North Environmental Services.

Posted November 4, 2013



SFC Celebrates 25 Years of Serving the Forage Industry

The Saskatchewan Forage Council (SFC) was officially formed May 2, 1988 by a visionary group of forage industry stakeholders. The original board of directors included: Robert McGillivray, S.E. Beacom, Les Bohrson, Rodney Duczek, Don Gayton, Clare Phillips, Ken Stoner, Greg Sommerfeld and Bill Weighill.  This group represented people from the forage seed, research, export, processing and livestock sectors - indicating that since its inception in 1988, the SFC has recognized and embraced the diversity of the forage industry.

2013 SFC AGM & TourThe SFC was formed as a means to provide the forage industry with a voice. The formation of a provincial council would be a way to pull those working on forage issues together. Also, forages were not adequately represented by other crop commodity groups, thus there was a gap to be filled.

It is important to acknowledge the hard work and vision of all the former board members and employees that have helped make this council a success. Here’s to another 25 years serving the forage industry!

To read the complete article, click here.

Posted July 8, 2013 

A Special Thank You to Saskatchewan Forage Council Sponsors



NH Agr 3D



Boehringer logo


BrettYoung logo NEW

Union Forage


 NutrienAgSolutions ProvenSeed Lock




Ducks Unlimited FCC smaller
Northstar Pickseed
Ponderosa Ag Sales  SFSDC temp


The SFC also gratefully acknowledges funding for…
Facilitating Forage Initiatives in Saskatchewan’ project through the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Industry Development Fund (SCAIDF)